Hi there, I'm Samara
but feel free to call me Sam.
I am so glad you’re here and exploring your options for an empowering birth or postpartum experience.
I am a birth and postpartum doula, mother of three gorgeous boys (one of those is a fur-baby), and wife to my wonderful and supportive life partner who I met many moons ago when we worked together in a small accounting firm, and who I have walked side by side with ever since.

Between being a mum and a doula, I am a lover of nature and animals and the great outdoors. I love the city but also the country, so have always felt a little torn between the two! Some years ago, though, I fell in love with the bayside suburb of Altona in Melbourne where I now reside and call this beautiful place home.
I love being in the company of others and I’m always up for having a good chat and laugh over a cuppa. There are times I catch myself still a little stuck in the 90’s, but mostly I do keep up with the times! (While keeping up with the times I might have a season of Friends playing in the background or be belting out a Spice Girls tune in the car!).
If there is any time left at the end of the day, I’ll probably have my head buried in a novel or be reading up on some of the latest research in pregnancy and postpartum care.
In my spare time you'll find me...
Outdoors somewhere on a hike or long run
In the kitchen cooking up a storm just for fun
Having a good chat and laugh over a cuppa with friends
I am a lover of nature and animals and the great outdoors
How did I get here?
In my former life, you would have found me sitting at a desk staring at a screen all day, managing accounts for institutional investors or organising corporate events. While I didn’t mind this work, I always knew that the future held something else for me.
It was my own pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey, along with personal experience of infertility and pregnancy loss that sparked a passion in me to support women as they embark on the transition to motherhood.
I spent the next few years after the birth of my first child educating myself on all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum. My interest in this grew stronger with each passing day until I could take it no more, and I finally enrolled myself in doula studies that would allow me to dedicate my future to working in this space, with women and their families throughout one of life’s biggest transitions.
And with that, I stepped off the corporate treadmill and made the life-changing decision to dedicate my time and energy where it is so desperately needed – providing support and nurturing care to new and expecting mamas.

Membership & Training
My training to become a doula has included Julia Jones’ Newborn Mothers, Julia Jones’ Breastfeeding and I am currently also training with the Australian Doula College. I am a member of the Doula Network of Australia.