Melbourne Doula supporting a new mother breastfeeding her baby

Postpartum Support

Care for new and expecting Mama’s

As a postpartum doula, I understand the many challenges that new mothers can face during the early weeks and months after welcoming their newest family member into their lives. From extreme sleep deprivation to breastfeeding difficulties and everything in between. 

It takes a village to raise a child, and as your doula I become a part of your village, there to hold you up during this time that you need the most support. I will walk with you on this journey so that you know you are cared for, nurtured, nourished, and completely supported through everything you face in these early weeks of being a newborn mother.

So what does postpartum support look like?

In those early days and weeks after you have given birth, your postpartum doula is like your fairy godmother, there to guide and nurture you as you navigate the path ahead. A shoulder to cry on, arms to wrap around you and a heart full of love, she holds you up when you find yourself in the thick of all the postpartum fog.

To put it simply, a postpartum doula mother’s the mother. Because when a mother’s needs are met, she will thrive in her new role, bond with her baby and enjoy her postpartum journey.

When you are at home with your new baby and adjusting to the enormous changes taking place, I come to your house to provide practical and emotional support. In-home sessions may look a little different from person to person and at each visit, so that your individual and changing needs are always being met.

Whats included in Postpartum Support?

The changes that take place in your body from conception through to childbirth shape one of life’s biggest transitions – physically, emotionally and spiritually. This sacred time when both baby and mother have been born is a time for rest, bonding and adjusting to this new life together. This is where your postpartum doula comes in, who is there to make sure that you are doing just this. 

Find out about the different ways I can provide new mama’s with postpartum support.

If there is one thing that anyone who knows me could tell you about me, it’s that I love food! I am super passionate about eating well and cooking foods that heal and promote optimum health.

After giving birth your body needs to recover, and so it’s vital that you are eating foods containing nutrients that will aid in physical healing, nourish you and provide comfort and warmth. How and what you eat plays a huge role in your postpartum recovery.

With my love of all things food, I have spent lots of time in the kitchen – cooking, tasting, playing around with ingredients over and over until I get each recipe just right. I have designed my menus with postpartum recovery in mind, incorporating elements from both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic cooking to restore and balance the body and replenish it with minerals and nutrients that have been lost through pregnancy and childbirth.

While I am supporting you on your postpartum journey, I offer meals from my menu cooked fresh in your home. I take care of all the ingredients so that you don’t need to worry about what food is in your fridge or what you are going to cook each day. All meals are a generous 4-6 servings, so there is plenty of food left at the end of each session. And the best part – they are delicious and warming and cooked with love – food for the body and for the soul.

Doula cooking meals in kitchen
Melbourne Doula standing in the kitchen preparing food

“When a baby is born, so is a mother”

Packages & Pricing

My Doula packages have been designed with one goal in mind: To make sure that you feel supported, rested and are well nourished during this life transforming time.